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Trust Phantom Signs Up To The Woodlands Trust - Carbon Capture Scheme!

Writer's picture: booie52booie52

Giving Back To The Woodlands Trust With Every Sheet Of Paper We Buy!

How it works

The carbon capture scheme utilises the Woodland Trust’s Woodland Carbon scheme to mitigate the CO2 emissions generated by the production, storage and distribution of the paper we as printers purchase.

An additional fee for each tonne of paper we buy is passed on to the Trust to fund the planting of trees, which can absorb carbon that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere.

Why did we join?

As a printer in Nuneaton we wanted to give back to the Woodlands Trust knowing that we were donating funds from the paper we bought with every penny of the carbon capture charge being used to fund the planting of new trees. We have found that this has also been a positive for our clients who can also advertise that the printing produced with us is all printed on materials bought through the carbon capture scheme.

What have we achieved so far?

So far we're proud to announce that the funds we have actively donated to the carbon capture scheme has created 7.59m squared of new woodland in the UK to remove up to 304kg of carbon dioxide between April and June of this year. We have continued to buy our paper through the scheme and we will keep you all posted with how much these figures have grown when we receive our next certificate.

It is something we wanted to be involved with from the second we heard about it and it's nice to be doing our part as a printer in Nuneaton.

If you would like more information on how you can be involved and how your marketing and printed materials can also be part of the Woodlands Trust Carbon Capture Scheme please don't hesitate to get in touch.

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